Mealtime Tips and Recipes for Kids with Autism

Mealtime Tips and Recipes for Kids with Autism

Mealtime with children can generally be difficult, especially if they’re picky eaters. Prepping a meal for a child with autism can be even more strenuous due to additional factors related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Kids with ASD tend to have food aversions and more obsessive behaviors that can impact food interests and eating habits. We […]

How to Incorporate the Lessons from Your ABA Specialist Into Your Household

How to Incorporate the Lessons from Your ABA Specialist Into Your Household

While the quality of the learning plan for your child with autism is vital, knowing how to encourage and maintain that positive growth outside of the clinical setting is equally essential. Functional growth is a long-term process that’s greatly enriched by a stable home environment. Unless ideas learned in behavioral therapy become a part of […]

Benefits of Sports for Children with Autism

Benefits of Sports for Children with Autism

With school right around the corner, there are plenty after school activities available for students, like sports! However, finding the right sports for kids with autism can be challenging. Despite some challenges, staying healthy and physically active is important for children, especially those with autism! Benefits of Participating in Sports Being active and physically fit […]

5 Toys to Use During Your ABA Therapy Session

5 Toys to Use During Your ABA Therapy Session

Even the best treatment plans and supportive guidance will only get you so far without the right tools for the day’s lesson! Keeping learners engaged and motivated is a full-time job that’s become even more challenging in our modern world of distractions. By incorporating fun and engaging toys into a well-structured behavioral plan, a monotonous […]

How to Navigate the Process of Becoming A Board Certified Behavior Analyst

How to Navigate the Process of Becoming A Board Certified Behavior Analyst

Do you have a passion for enriching the lives of others and enjoy studying the intricacies of human behavior? As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), you can expect to find incredibly rewarding careers supporting those with behavioral and developmental needs such as children with autism. With a primary focus on clinical science and systematic […]

Communication Considerations for Children with Autism

Communication Considerations for Children with Autism

The ability to communicate can be taken for granted. It might be hard to imagine having a limited ability to communicate needs, share feelings, be provided with real choices, or ask questions about the world. Unfortunately, communication is a challenge for many children with autism, which makes autism clinics and treatments such as ABA Therapy […]

9 Reasons to go with HHF for ABA Therapy

9 Reasons to go with HHF for ABA Therapy

When your child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, it is important to explore treatment options and clinic choices prior to deciding on a path. Some treatment approaches offer a longer history of proven success than others, evaluating the treatment strategy and success rate is critical. When choosing a clinic to enroll your child in, […]

Fun Games and Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers of All Abilities!

Fun Games and Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers of All Abilities!

Summer is the perfect season to spend time with the family now that the kids are out of school! Unfortunately, there are days where the weather does not cooperate. There are rainy days scattered throughout the summer that confine us indoors, while other days are too hot to enjoy the sun and the outdoors.  Regardless […]

Fun Outdoor Activities for Children of All Abilities

Fun Outdoor Activities for Children of All Abilities

Warm and sunny summer days are here at last! Summer means getting to spend more time with your children and finding enjoyable new activities. With our newly found sunshine-filled days, here are some creative and fun outdoor activities for seizing the day with the kids! Outdoor Art Projects One of the best ways to enjoy […]

Moving Forward Following an Autism Diagnosis

Moving Forward Following an Autism Diagnosis

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the autism diagnosis rate in the United States is one in forty-four children, meaning many parents are receiving news that their child has autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The process of diagnosing autism is not based on one singular or definitive test. Specialists reach this diagnosis from multiple observations […]