Where Can I Get Unrestricted Hours to Fulfill My BCBA Requirements?

how to get unrestricted hours to fulfill BCBA requirements

Earning fieldwork hours is a critical step for becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), because it applies your coursework to real world situations. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) sets the fieldwork hour requirements. Supervised Fieldwork Required Hours – 2,000 Supervision Hours per Period – 5% The BACB requires a certain percentage of supervision […]

Tips for Taking Your Child with Autism Trick-or- Treating

Tips for Taking Your Child with Autism Trick-or Treating

Halloween is approaching, and the anticipation of costumes, candy, and decorations will grow through the October days! The excitement peaks for the trick-or-treating adventures on Halloween night. For children with autism, trick-or-treating may present unique challenges. Fear not! With planning, creativity, and adaptability, you can make Halloween enjoyable for your child with autism! There’s no […]

The Impact of ABA Therapy on School Readiness

The Impact of ABA Therapy on School Readiness

As children with autism prepare for school, the journey can be both exciting and challenging. At Helping Hands Family, we use ABA therapy to develop enriched learning, social confidence, and familiarity with the changes to facilitate a smooth transition to school. Our child-led ABA Therapy in Pittsburgh and the rest of our clinics uses individualized […]

Top Strategies to Help in Potty Training Your Child With Autism

Top Strategies to Help in Potty Training Your Child With Autism

Teaching your child with autism how to use the restroom requires patience, consistency, and a personalized action plan. Since every child is unique, the best potty training strategies for each child will differ. To keep a child’s bathroom experience pleasant during potty training, the general approach should include: Below are some specific strategies that may […]

9 Sure Fire Tips for Passing the BCBA Exam

9 Sure Fire Study Tips for Passing the BCBA Exam

Becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) is an impressive achievement! Passing the BCBA exam is the final step in earning this distinguishment. The exam is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of behavior analysis. Passing it requires: A full understanding of the concepts and principles. Thorough preparation. Strategic studying for both memorization and […]

Summer Travel Tips For Children With Autism

Summer Travel Tips For Children With Autism

Are you planning an enjoyable and memorable summer experience with your family? When traveling with children with autism, you’ll find that organizing a trip may involve a few additional planning steps and considerations. Despite the unique accommodations and planning steps required, it’s still possible to plan a pleasurable experience for everyone in the family. Here […]

Autism in Children’s Stories

Autism in Children’s Literature

As understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) grows, so does the importance of representation in popular culture. By incorporating autism themes into their stories, authors are challenging stereotypes and fostering a more inclusive world. Whether through factual accounts or fictional narratives, these books spark essential conversations. Some messages included are: How Every Child & Classroom […]

School’s Out: Summer Routines For Kids With Autism

School’s Out: Summer Routines For Kids With Autism

With busy school schedules turning into relaxed summer days, supporting your child’s developmental progress may become more challenging. There are still ways for your child with autism to continue progressing through a fun, interactive, and structured daily plan! Similar to how our autism services in Pittsburgh, PA, and our many other locations blend impactful learning […]

Sibling Dynamics: Balancing Attention and Support for Neurotypical Siblings

Sibling Dynamics: Balancing Attention and Support for Neurotypical Siblings

When you have multiple children, balancing your attention, support, and time can be incredibly challenging, especially when you have a child with autism and neurotypical siblings who are all competing for your attention! How can you reach a healthy family dynamic where all siblings feel valued, supported, and understood? Try implementing these helpful tips!  Evaluate […]