At Helping Hands Family, our diverse team of autism therapy specialists collaborates and encourages each other to provide the very best care! To meet the specific needs of each child we support, our umbrella of ABA, occupational, feeding, and speech therapies collaborate to provide an uplifting framework for each child.
By offering our clients highly specialized ABA care, we strive to achieve long-term learning and behavior outcomes. To provide for your child’s unique needs, each behavior, the social, and functional growth plan is carefully individualized to suit your child and their level of development.
To connect your family with the appropriate areas of specialty from the start, our autism behavioral services in Lancaster, PA and throughout the northeast begin with an educational assessment. During the first session with our Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), you’ll learn about:
- How our evidence-based ABA therapies may be able to help
- The benefits of a step-by-step behavior plan that promotes quality-of-life improvements
- How a personalized care team can successfully execute your child’s ABA plan!
Our Autism Therapy Specialists
All of our clinic’s successes in ABA therapy are only possible due to our interconnected team, who is actively involved and dedicated to your child’s improvement!
Clinical Directors & Board Certified Behavior Analysts
Not only do Board Certified Behavior Analysts complete your child’s initial assessment, but they are also responsible for managing your child’s ongoing behavior plan. Hand-in-hand with our Clinical Directors, all care provided is actively supervised and monitored to ensure that a gentle, encouraging, and organized progress is guiding each day’s lessons.
Registered Behavior Technicians
RBTs advocate for each child’s behavior plan success with close-and-personal care! Their primary responsibility is to promote beneficial communication, behavior, and social skills. Our nurturing RBTs are also responsible for following the plan outline, encouraging a safe learning environment, and relaying progress notes to BCBAs.
Speech Therapists
In harmony with our ABA milestones, our speech therapists can help children break down communication barriers with enriching one-on-one support. Our customized speech therapy helps children with ASD learn pronunciation and assistive speech devices. By attending speech therapy, a child’s muscles involved with speech and vocalization can be strengthened.
Feeding Therapists
Our feeding therapists can help children with autism improve with independent dining tasks. Feeding therapy Overlaps with other functional skills like motor coordination and/or speech therapy mouth strengthening exercises. Child-specific feeding therapies can include swallowing training, improving chewing habits, and many other food-related needs.
Occupational Therapists
Ideal for hand-eye coordination improvements, functional daily activities like personal hygiene, and many other important tasks like grasping objects, our collaborative occupational therapists work side-by-side with our ABA therapy team to promote functional growth in many overlapping realms of development. Many of the best motor coordination milestones can be achieved through collaborative care.
Learn More About Our Team-Based ABA Therapy
With our array of autism services, such as ABA therapy in Collegeville, PA or any of our other clinical locations, we’re here to meet your child’s needs at the fundamental levels. To explore the many ways we can assist, reach out to our Care Coordination team and get started today!